Origins for Wedding Anniversaries

Weddings are a key event in any couple's life, as they bring together friends and relatives to celebrate the happiness and joy of the couple. Wedding anniversaries are also perfect opportunities to celebrate the love of two people, commemorating the joy that they take in each other's company, despite the trials and tribulations of the marital journey.

In most cultures, the wedding anniversary is thought to be an important occasion, and it is generally celebrated in meaningful and significant ways. Couples are reminded of their marital commitment, and a lot of effort often goes into sourcing the perfect gift that will be symbolic and meaningful for one's partner, or the happy couple.

Not only are anniversary years symbolised by traditional and contemporary gifts, but they often also have a flower, colour and gemstone associated with them as well. The gemstones associated with marital years 1 to 25, and then every 5th year up to the 60th anniversary, are published in the Information Manual on Gemstones by the American Gem Trade Association. In some instances, other countries have suggested a different gemstone for certain anniversary years, so those alternate gemstones are outlined in our table.

Different marital years also often have colours and flowers associated with them, however, these vary dependent on the source. Usually, however, the rose is considered to be the perfect substitute for any anniversary if a woman adores roses, and often its shade can be matched with the colour linked to the anniversary year.

We have compiled a table here that details all the traditional and contemporary themes associated with each anniversary year. There is also further information below the table to help guide you when thinking about an appropriate anniversary gift for your loved one, or for a couple.